Three Biblical Truths to Rest On

Three Biblical Truths to Rest On For more than 50 years, FH has followed God’s call to walk with people living in poverty and bring healing through Strengthen Communities. Through partnerships with local leaders, FH has created long-lasting solutions through a full range of economic, social, spiritual, and cultural interests. In celebration, we’ve reflected on […]
Does God Always Answer Public Prayers?

Have you ever spoken confidently about God’s power to rescue in a situation, but secretly wondered if He really would? Dr. Larry Ward, who founded Food for the Hungry (FH) more than 50 years ago, trusted God for great things. However, sometimes God didn’t respond in the way Dr. Ward expected. Today, we’ll look at […]
What Is The Meaning of “God Gives Food to the Hungry?”

When people hear our name for the first time, they often think that Food for the Hungry (FH) is a food bank. FH staff become accustomed to hearing comments such as, “Where do you pass out food?” So If you have made that assumption, you’re not alone. In fact, FH does distribute food and other […]
What is the Meaning of “All Things Work Together for Our Good?”

How long could you go without a source of income? If you didn’t have a paying job for a few months or even a year, would you still be able to trust that God was working everything together for your good? When Larry Ward founded Food for the Hungry (FH) at the age of 45, […]
The Legacy of An “Ordinary Guy” and an Extraordinary God

“I am a very ordinary guy, with very ordinary abilities. But, you know, I serve a very extraordinary God. – Dr. Larry Ward As part of our 50th anniversary celebration at Food for the Hungry (FH), we are taking the opportunity to look back at many aspects of our history. An important and beloved part […]