Use Quick Give to help strengthen communities where needed most.
Find peace and fulfillment through the four relationships God created for you.
See how God has prepared you for your calling to help transform others.
Learn about God’s character and how to develop those traits in your life.
Meet amazing people who use their gifts and talents to make a difference.
Discover in this eBook simple ways you can end poverty and steward Creation.
Learn about the challenges faced by displaced people and how you can help.
Women are vital to overcoming poverty but they are among the most vulnerable.
Read about the remarkable life of Food for the Hungry’s founder.
Teach the kids in your life character lessons using a school garden project in Nicaragua as an example.
Learn to plan, build, fill and maintain a water-efficient, high-nutrient garden.
Get fun family activities to help your kids feel and be thankful for their blessings.
Get 7 fun lessons and ideas to help you instill a heart for the poor in children.
Get 7 days of family activities and crafts to help you use giving as a way to instill the character trait of generosity in your kids.
Bring friends and family together to experience a real-life poverty situation.
Frequently asked questions
Child Sponsorship FAQ
Strengthen Communities FAQ
Matching Program FAQ
Gift Catalog FAQ
Emergency response FAQ
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If you need assistance, please contact us at donorhelp@fh.org or 866-307-3259.