A Community’s Long Journey to Clean Water

How long do you go in a day without using water? Whether it’s for hydration, hygiene, chores, or a hobby, you likely use water freely throughout your day. But what would it be like to not have regular access to water? For the community of La Uva, Nicaragua, that was their daily reality. “Water has […]
Joy and Thanksgiving Around the World

Gratitude is on the hearts and minds of people in the U.S. as we celebrate Thanksgiving. But others are counting their blessings as well this year. Read on to see thanksgiving around the world. These three vulnerable families served by Food for the Hungry (FH) are now giving thanks. “Let them thank the Lord for […]
A Healthy Child = A Hopeful Family

Little Nganji was not a healthy child. Just watching the four-year-old boy for a few minutes, anyone could spot his pain and discomfort. He didn’t smile and wouldn’t play with his friends. He lacked the quick wit and vibrant energy of other children his age. The cause? An infestation of intestinal worms that was hijacking […]
Growing Hope from Vegetable Seeds

Rose is growing vegetables in her new garden – alongside a much more important crop. There’s no fruit – or trees of any kind – in her garden. And she planted no flowers. But this second crop is flourishing along with all her cabbages. Rose is cultivating hope – for today, tomorrow, and a bright […]
A Family’s Legacy Transformed

What is a family’s legacy? It’s the foundation on which future generations will build; the soil into which each child and grandchild will plant their dreams. But tragically, for too many families around the world, extreme poverty is the legacy that has passed from parent to child as far back as anyone can remember. That […]
Big Sister Leads Her Family Toward a Brighter Future

Sylvine is the ultimate big sister. After her Mom died and Dad left, the 25-year-old woman stepped up for her five younger siblings, ranging in age from 20 to 4. Such a feat would be impressive in any situation. But Sylvine lives in especially dire circumstances. She and her brothers and sisters live in one […]
Handwashing Day: How Cambodians Fight COVID-19

Did you know that October 15 is Global Handwashing Day? We know handwashing is an important part of good health and hygiene, especially in a time of COVID-19. We are routinely taught to wash our hands. This year, 2020, has turned a simple classroom lesson into a life-saving activity. According to the CDC, one of […]