Big Sister Leads Her Family Toward a Brighter Future

Sylvine is the ultimate big sister. After her Mom died and Dad left, the 25-year-old woman stepped up for her five younger siblings, ranging in age from 20 to 4. Such a feat would be impressive in any situation. But Sylvine lives in especially dire circumstances. She and her brothers and sisters live in one […]

From Sadness to Hope: A Story of an Expanded Family

Alex is just 16 years old. But he’s already endured more sadness than most experience in a lifetime. First, his mom passed away. Then, his dad died, too. By age nine, Alex was the head of his family: two little sisters, Stella and Emmy. But God had a plan to turn this story from sadness […]

A Path to the Future: Hope for a Family of 8

Life seemed hopeless to 13-year-old Yoan, with no clear path to the future, until Food for the Hungry’s local Child Sponsorship staff stepped in to help. Yoan lives in Tarapaca, Bolivia, part of El Alto de La Paz, a sprawling city born out of  years of rural-to-urban migration. His father, Reddy, is 46. In addition […]

Gift Policy:
You may send small, flat paper-based items that can fit into a standard #10 size envelope, have a value of less than $5 dollars and weigh less than 4 ounces. We ask that you send small, flat items of this size because shipping is expensive and even small gift items can cause issues clearing customs.

You can send postcards or photographs, however, we ask that you visit here for more details about culturally appropriate guidelines for photos and other images. Please write the child’s ID # on the back of each item that you enclose with your letter to ensure that it reaches him/her.
Best gifts to send your sponsored child:
  • Paper dolls
  • Postcards
  • Pictures of yourself or family
  • Sports cards, individual cards (baseball, soccer, football)
  • Stickers (flat, paper-based, only a few at a time)
  • Paper-based simple bookmarks, stationery, drawing, or writing paper (single sheets)
  • Coloring pages (single sheets, not books)

Please do NOT send:
  • Monetary gifts
  • Liquids, candy, or food
  • Batteries or magnets

Please note, all items should be compliant with airline transport and safety regulations. Gifts that don’t meet the gift policy will be donated to a local Christian non-profit organization in Phoenix, Arizona, that works with low-income families. We will not be able to return them.