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You are making a difference in Uganda!

A glimpse of what your sponsored child’s life is like in Uganda:


  • Most people in rural areas eat two meals a day: lunch and supper. Popular dishes include “matoke” (a staple made from bananas), millet bread, cassava, sweet potatoes, chicken and beef stews, and freshwater fish.
  • The extended family is a kin group where men have authority in the family, and women are dependent on male relationships.
  • Visitors and neighbors who drop in are expected to join the family at a meal. It is considered impolite to leave the room while others are eating. When a meal is finished, everyone gives a compliment to the mother.


  • The school year runs from February through December. Primary school tuition has been free in government schools in Uganda since 1997.
  • Still, students in rural areas face serious challenges in finishing their education. They lack school materials, and since meals are not provided, they often have to study all day on an empty stomach.
  • Classes in Uganda are not based on age because children often drop out and re-enter school. Although tuition is free, parents must pay for uniforms, school supplies, testing, bus transportation, school maintenance, and more.


  • Shaking hands is the normal form of greeting.
  • Football (soccer) is the most popular sport.
  • The music style “Kadongo Kamu” became a popular music genre that emerged from traditional Ugandan music. The term “kadongo kamu” is a Lugandan phrase meaning “one guitar,” and the music features the bass guitar.


Uganda is a completely landlocked country in East Africa, and the world’s second most populous landlocked country after Ethiopia. Since its independence, Uganda has experienced several instances of political instability.

  • Capital: Kampala
  • Population: 39,570,12
  • Language: Swahili and English


In 1988, FH began working in Uganda with a focus on meeting the long-neglected physical and spiritual needs of prisoners and prison staff. In 1990, FH partnered with UNICEF to begin a water and sanitation project in the northern districts. By 1992, FH engaged in an agriculture program for the resettled herdsmen shortly after the war in the 1980s. Many children were orphaned by the war, which gave rise to the child development program. Since then, FH has focused efforts on doing long-term development work with a focus on livelihoods, education, health and HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment, and care and support.


  • Access to education through the construction of classrooms, latrines, teacher housing, and support for school-related costs and supplies. You are also implementing childhood development training for teachers and caregivers.
  • Training on advanced farming techniques, health and nutrition, water, sanitation, and hygiene.
  • Livestock distributions, food storage equipment, savings groups to help families save more and take out loans when needed, water systems and latrines.

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If you need assistance, please contact us at donorhelp@fh.org or 866-307-3259.

Gift Policy:
You may send small, flat paper-based items that can fit into a standard #10 size envelope, have a value of less than $5 dollars and weigh less than 4 ounces. We ask that you send small, flat items of this size because shipping is expensive and even small gift items can cause issues clearing customs.
You can send postcards or photographs, however, we ask that you visit here for more details about culturally appropriate guidelines for photos and other images. Please write the child’s ID # on the back of each item that you enclose with your letter to ensure that it reaches him/her.
Best gifts to send your sponsored child:
  • Paper dolls
  • Postcards
  • Pictures of yourself or family
  • Sports cards, individual cards (baseball, soccer, football)
  • Stickers (flat, paper-based, only a few at a time)
  • Paper-based simple bookmarks, stationery, drawing, or writing paper (single sheets)
  • Coloring pages (single sheets, not books)
  • Please do NOT send:
  • Monetary gifts
  • Liquids, candy, or food
  • Batteries or magnets
Please note, all items should be compliant with airline transport and safety regulations. Gifts that don’t meet the gift policy will be donated to a local Christian non-profit organization in Phoenix, Arizona, that works with low-income families. We will not be able to return them.