Use Quick Give to help where needed most.
Nutritious Food
to Grow Up
Healthy & Strong
Education to Build
a Better Future
Clean Water &
Access to Improve
Sanitation and Hygiene
Access to
Medical Care
to Be Healthy
Hope &
Knowledge that
Jesus Loves Them
We’re praising God for your willingness to answer the call and serve a child whom you’ve never even met. Your generosity means another child can grow up healthy and educated. We believe that when we equip a community to care for its most vulnerable members, we can serve everyone and see poverty eliminated. That’s why we seek to develop communities by focusing on children. Our staff works alongside the communities where your child lives to develop a sustainable long-term plan for success. We serve the community by meeting basic needs such as food, water, education, health, and spiritual development.
Food for the Hungry has been walking with the world’s most vulnerable people for over 5 decades. In that time, we’ve learned that child sponsorship is one of the most successful ways for people to rise up out of poverty. This is only possible because of faithful partners like you.
Frequently asked questions
Child Sponsorship FAQ
Strengthen Communities FAQ
Gift Catalog FAQ
Emergency response FAQ
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