5 Books Staff Are Reading for Nonprofit Work This Winter

Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman once famously said, “Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” As part of a global staff at Food for the Hungry (FH), one of my favorite ways to connect with colleagues is by asking what they are reading. The answers of FH’s leaders not only tell […]
These Story Books Will Change the Next Generation in Burundi

Today’s guest post about a recent book translation challenge for International Book Giving Day is written by Joseph Ntakirutimana, the Adult Education Coordinator based in Burundi. Can you go back to your childhood memories to remember when you first scrolled the pages of a story book? Or when you first had someone read a story […]
5 Podcasts for Learning About Culture and the World in 2019

You probably follow Food for the Hungry (FH) because you care about people. Maybe you are also interested in global poverty or economics. You might use child sponsorship to teach your family about other countries. Or FH might be your way of connecting to people who are from another culture. You support our work because you want to make the world a […]