Cows Make the Perfect Christmas Gift

December is here, and the search is on for the perfect Christmas gift. Many around the world are scrolling through online shops and visiting brick-and-mortar stores to hunt for just the right thing to put under the tree for their loved ones. Some even have detailed lists of price ranges, sizes, styles, tastes, and preferences. […]
The Whiting Family: Giving with Joyful Hearts

The Whiting family is giving with joyful hearts. And God calls us to do just that, to be a cheerful giver. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Giving with Joyful Hearts The Whiting family first […]
11 New Items to Give in this Year’s Catalog

Every year during the holiday season, we gather together our leadership from all 20+ countries where we work, and ask them to make a “wish list.” On this wish list, our fields ask communities what they want. They think about what would help meet a pressing need. And they dream about the kinds of items […]