Back-to-school season is upon us, which means store shelves are filled with pencils, folders, and backpacks as families are gearing up for the school year ahead. Some welcome the return to a more consistent schedule, while others are sad to see summer go, but have you ever considered what this season looks like for children and families around the world?
Not every country starts its school year in August or September. In fact, many of the countries we serve at Food for the Hungry (FH) begin their school year at the start of the calendar year. The differences in education don’t stop there. Many families worldwide don’t have access to shelves full of school supplies — and some don’t even have access to quality education. At FH, child sponsors are working to change that.
Education is Not Available to Every Child
It can be easy to take our education for granted. Most of us have access to multiple options when it comes time to enroll our children in school — including various public and private schools and even many homeschool curriculum programs. However, this is not the case in many places around the world, including many of the countries where FH serves. When asked about their communities’ most critical needs, six countries — Bolivia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Kenya, Mozambique, and Uganda — have quality and access to education at the top of the list.

Making an Impact All Over the World
Child sponsors who are supporting their sponsored child and community are providing much-needed education support to children and families in these countries.
In Bolivia, after-school children’s clubs are improving language and math skills. Since October 2023 — 1,250 children and youth have participated in children’s clubs. Additionally, 24,200 Bolivian children received school and health kits, so they were prepared for school and ready to learn.
In Cambodia, FH is collaborating with the Ministry of Education and Youth and Sports (MOEYS) to provide school leadership and teacher training. Since October 2023, 295 educators have participated in the training, and five schools have implemented a digital library. Additionally, child sponsors support children’s clubs in the country and the training of members to lead others, which encourages families to participate in the learning process at home. The programs in Cambodia have increased the percentage of children ages 7-15 who regularly engage in a learning activity outside of school hours from 43.4% to 93.7% and have increased the percentage of caregivers who have a specific space for their child to study at home from 46.3% to 91.6%.

In Indonesia, child sponsors are helping schools improve instructional strategies, specifically for early-grade reading. Since October 2023, 709 individuals have been trained on early-grade educational support, 466 children have been involved in literacy support activities, and 1,677 children have participated in children’s clubs that focus on increasing literacy skills. Due in large part to these programs, the number of children who have attained the literacy standard for Grade 3 has increased from 6.3% to 38.9%.
In Kenya, child sponsors are supporting trainings to improve caregiver engagement in education, increase educator competencies, and protect learner rights. Thanks to these trainings and programs, participation in Early Grade Success Lessons has increased from 7% to 10%.

In Mozambique, communities are creating learning spaces and launching various children’s clubs. Since October 2023, 16 children’s clubs have been started, and they have increased the number of learning opportunities for the 2,875 children who have taken part. The percentage of children aged 7-15 years of age who have engaged in learning activities outside of regular school hours has increased from 27.7% to 64.1% from this year to last.
In Uganda, FH programs have strengthened child academic engagement and participation, instructed teachers on the best ways to train children in literacy and math, enhanced learning by establishing 11 digital hubs, and assisted with establishing feeding programs at 11 primary schools. Since October 2023, 1,500 students have participated in literacy and mathematics education, and the number of students who have reached the nationally required standards has improved from 7.1% to 38.2%. In the communities supported by child sponsors, the number of children completing their primary education grew by 20%.
Learning Inside and Outside the Classroom
As you can see, the support of our donors and child sponsors has an incredibly positive impact on children’s education in communities we’re serving worldwide. Learning happens in places other than the classroom, so the programs FH facilitates — including after-school children’s clubs and extracurricular programming — provide many students and their families the opportunity to learn even more than they would be able to in a traditional classroom setting. By participating in FH activities, children all over the world are learning through play and engaging with their classmates in an exciting new way.

You Can Affect Life-Change Through Learning
Thanks to the generous support of our child sponsors, education and learning are improving for children and families in some of the places around the globe that need it most. To continue and expand our work, we need your help. Is the Lord calling you to be part of our efforts this back-to-school season?
Through Child Sponsorship, you can play a key role in funding these life-changing opportunities for students around the world. With access to better education, children and families can begin to break the cycle of poverty and better their lives. Together, we can ensure that many more families have access to education and learning that will benefit their lives and communities for generations to come.