Raising Kids Who Care: Fun Activity for Kids

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WRITTEN BY Brooke Wente

In this season of spending lots of time at home, we are all on the lookout for a fun activity for kids. And more importantly, we are trying to raise kids who care. Kids who are thoughtful, kind and loving. Raelyn, a mother of three girls living near Detroit, Michigan, had a wonderful idea of how she could encourage this behavior in her children, and for her girls to have fun too.

Last Christmas, the girls looked through the FH Gift Catalog and they each picked an item they wanted to purchase. The parents could have covered the costs, but the girls bought the items instead. They emptied out their piggy banks and searched all over their house to find loose change. The girls took things a step further this year. They made a point to save money in their piggy banks leading up to Christmas so they can shop the catalog.

You and your kids or grandkids can also participate in this fun activity!

We even have a piggy bank that kids in your life can create to save up money until it’s time to buy items from the FH Gift Catalog.

Create Your Own Piggy Bank Activity

Download Your Piggy Bank➔

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Download and print your piggy bank. Or turn to page 31 of the gift catalog you received in the mail.

2. Carefully cut out the piggy bank, cutting on the thick black line, from the printed out activity or the page in the gift catalog. Tip: If the child is under 5, we suggest an adult complete the cutting and gluing/taping steps.

Cutting out the piggy bank.

3. Find a cereal box or food box that’s no longer being used, unfold it so it’s completely flat.

4. Place the piggy bank cut out on the flat box. Once you have it positioned, tape or glue the piggy bank down.

Putting glue on the back of the piggy bank.
Gluing the piggy bank to the inside of a cereal box.

Get Creative!

5. The fun part! Decorate your piggybank with crayons, markers or stickers. Tip: Decorate the piggy bank before you cut it out so it’s easier to color.

Decorating the piggy banks.

6. Cut the box along the outline of the piggy bank.

Cutting the cereal box following the piggy bank edge.

7. To make the coin slot opening, slightly fold the center of the small rectangle and make the first cut. Unfold and cut out the small rectangle. Tip: Cut the slot larger than the rectangle so it’s easier to put in coins.

Cutting the coin slot. Adults should assist on this step.

8. Fold along all the dotted lines. Tip: Use the edge of the table or a ruler on the underside of the edge you are folding to get straight lines.

Folding along all the dotted lines.

9. Place glue or tape on all tabs. Carefully fold the box together, gluing/taping the tabs to the inside of the piggy bank. If you use glue, wait for it to completely dry. Tip: If glue alone isn’t holding your piggy bank together, reinforce it with tape.

Gluing the piggy bank together.

10. Add to your piggy bank. Collect coins and dollars so you can purchase items from the FH Gift Catalog. You may decide to give a chicken or duck, tree seedlings or a watering can, storybooks or a children’s bible. Whatever gift you choose to give, it will bless a child and family in need.

Download Your Piggy Bank➔


kids with their piggy banks


Raising Kids Who Care

As your kids or grandkids complete this activity, you can talk with them about God’s love for us and others. And to thank God for the gifts He’s given us. Plus, it’s a great time to talk about how it brings God joy when we share with others, especially those in need.

Raelyn talks with her girls about God’s blessings and how He will always care for them. She’s able to teach her girls about gratitude, blessings, faith and abundance. They take the time to talk about why they are giving these gifts. And talking about the children and families who are in need and will be receiving them. The girls take great care in selecting the gifts they want to give, and are happy to use their own money they’ve saved to give them.

girls with their piggy banks


When talking about the people who will receive these gifts, you may want to share with your kids a few stories of people who’ve already received gifts like sheep, vegetable seeds or hygiene kits. Some of our favorite stories are linked below. Thank you for using this fun activity for kids to teach your children and grandchildren about God’s love and sharing His love with others by giving gifts from the FH Gift Catalog.

Stories of Families Receiving Gift Catalog Items:

How Deworming Changed Gaston’s Life

Gift a Goat…and Help Make a Mess

Bruz’s Story: Guinea Pigs Jumpstart Change


Gift Policy:
You may send small, flat paper-based items that can fit into a standard #10 size envelope, have a value of less than $5 dollars and weigh less than 4 ounces. We ask that you send small, flat items of this size because shipping is expensive and even small gift items can cause issues clearing customs.

You can send postcards or photographs, however, we ask that you visit here for more details about culturally appropriate guidelines for photos and other images. Please write the child’s ID # on the back of each item that you enclose with your letter to ensure that it reaches him/her.
Best gifts to send your sponsored child:
  • Paper dolls
  • Postcards
  • Pictures of yourself or family
  • Sports cards, individual cards (baseball, soccer, football)
  • Stickers (flat, paper-based, only a few at a time)
  • Paper-based simple bookmarks, stationery, drawing, or writing paper (single sheets)
  • Coloring pages (single sheets, not books)

Please do NOT send:
  • Monetary gifts
  • Liquids, candy, or food
  • Batteries or magnets

Please note, all items should be compliant with airline transport and safety regulations. Gifts that don’t meet the gift policy will be donated to a local Christian non-profit organization in Phoenix, Arizona, that works with low-income families. We will not be able to return them.