The Exponential Impact of Your Matched Donations

Access to clean water is a fundamental human right, and yet for many communities like the ones in Marsabit County, Kenya, it was a daily struggle. Thanks to donors like you and our partnerships through Match Your Donation, FH Kenya was able to address the water and sanitation challenges in Marsabit and bring clean water […]
The Many Blessings of Water

When a family or community gains access to a well, pipeline, or other quality water source for the first time, it means clean, safe water for everyone to drink. And that is essential to health and quality of life. But it means so much more. It brings clean, accessible water for cooking, cleaning homes, and […]
Celebrating the Gift of Clean Water: World Water Day 2022

One in three people in the world still does not have access to clean water. Water is essential for life, but it is something so many take for granted every day. We expect it to be immediately available when we get out of bed in the morning to jump in the shower, brush our teeth, […]
A Family’s Future Changed with Water

His family’s future hardly ever crossed his mind. Pedro just prayed they would find enough water to get through today. Water was in short supply in Pedro’s impoverished Nicaraguan community. An old (and frequently broken) water supply system could only provide water once or twice a week to him and his neighbors. And even when […]
Rebuilding After Two Hurricanes in Nicaragua

Rebuilding is never easy. For 14-year-old Kency and her family, it was expected to be a nearly insurmountable task. Two devastating hurricanes – Eta and Iota – damaged their home in the Las Cuarentas community of Nicaragua. The second record-breaking storm struck their community just two weeks after the first, before any rebuilding could begin. […]
Safe Water and Much More Arrives with a Well

Safe water was what Nargis needed. The 28-year-old mother lives in the Borobogi community of Bangladesh. But for so long, she didn’t understand how many of her problems were tied to her family’s need of clean water. Like so many other families near their home, she and her two children – Siam, 12, and Fatema, […]
How Handwashing Stations Kept Mothers and Babies in Kenya Healthy in 2020

Keeping Communities Healthy in 2020 In 2020, Food for the Hungry (FH) staff, supporters, and communities around the world quickly and nimbly adapted our programs. FH worked at global, country, and local levels to effectively respond to the challenges of COVID-19. The core of FH’s mission has always been responding where needed most. FH’s supporters […]
A Fresh Perspective on World Water Day

I think over the past year, it’s safe to say that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has recognized more than ever the importance and need for clean water. But that recognition still doesn’t mean that everyone has access to clean water. According to, 1 in 9 people –or 785 million […]
Tube Well Provides Water…and a Healthier Life

At first glance, the coastal region of Taltoli, Bangladesh doesn’t seem like a place where it would be hard to find a well and sufficient water. Shallow ponds and pools of groundwater water surround the area, which is home to the largest mangrove forest in the world. In a humble fishing village here, situated near […]
Transforming Communities through Clean Water

Access to clean water has the power of transforming communities. For you and I, we probably don’t think much about our access to water. We go to the kitchen sink, and water comes out, hot or cold. And it’s usually drinkable, or we have a filter that makes it drinkable. For other families in our […]