What is the Meaning of “All Things Work Together for Our Good?”

How long could you go without a source of income? If you didn’t have a paying job for a few months or even a year, would you still be able to trust that God was working everything together for your good? When Larry Ward founded Food for the Hungry (FH) at the age of 45, […]
What is the Meaning of “Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with Your God?”

Walk the halls of any Food for the Hungry (FH) office around the world, and it won’t be long before you find the words of Micah 6:8. “Act justly. Love mercy. Walk humbly.” They might show up on a piece of artwork on the wall, a T-shirt worn by field staff, or even the title […]
What is the Meaning of “Wealth Attracts Many Friends”?

Is it true that wealth attracts many friends? Do the rich easily accumulate friends, and the poor have none? When you think about the qualities of a true friend, you probably think of loyalty, kindness and trustworthiness. Empathy probably also makes the list, and we all like friends who are fun to be around. What […]
What Is the Meaning of “There Will Be No Poor Among You”?

Can you imagine a world where no one is poor? If there was no physical poverty, and no children suffered from stunted growth due to hunger. People would not beg on street corners, soup kitchens would cease to exist, and no nation would be labeled as a “impoverished” country. Such a world has never existed. […]
What Is the Meaning of the Golden Rule?

In Matthew 7:12 Jesus says, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” What does the Golden Rule mean, and what wisdom can we gain from studying it?
What Is the Meaning of “Whoever Watches the Wind Will Not Plant”?

It’s planting season in the northern hemisphere. For gardeners like me, spring is the most hopeful time of the year. My garden is full of young plants promising tomatoes, melons, and zucchini by the end of the summer. Of course, not every plant will produce what its seed packet promises. That’s part of the fun […]
What Is the Meaning of “A Camel Going Through the Eye of a Needle”?

“Easier for a Camel to Go Through the Eye of a Needle” One of the most well-known Scripture passages about wealth is also one of the most confusing. Why does Jesus compare the wealthy with camels, and is He really saying that the rich won’t make it into heaven? The scene takes place in Judea, […]
The Poor You Will Always Have With You—What Did Jesus Mean?

Have you ever known someone who was really passionate about poverty? The kind of person who goes on short-term mission trips, donates to help the poor, and seems to truly believe that poverty can be overcome? You may have wondered if that person was really thinking straight. After all, Jesus said, “The poor you will always […]
God’s Story: Poverty Will End Forever

This post is the fifteenth (and final) in a series on God’s Story, the Foundation for FH’s Work in Relief and Development. Follow the series, starting with the first post. Pastor Aguek sat on the floor of his tent with his wife and four children, considering what to do. His youngest child was sick, lying […]
God’s Story: How to Persevere When Life is Hard

This post is the fourteenth in a series on God’s Story, the Foundation for FH’s Work in Relief and Development. Follow the series, starting with the first post. You can read the next post in this series here. “I hear it a lot from my family members. They say, ‘Why are you helping (Syrian refugees)?’” […]